Complimentary Session
No matter what program or path you choose from ExecLife, our work together will always start with a complimentary coaching session. We find that experiencing coaching personally, is the best way to understand the value and benefits of coaching. Until you’ve had the experience of coaching, it may remain a concept in your mind. ExecLife Coaching will offer a complimentary session to anyone investigating coaching as a profession, as a potential client or just for curiosity’s sake. There will be no hard sell at the end of the call—coaching sells itself.
To schedule a complimentary session, simply E-mail or call 925-269-0042.
There are many different schools of coaching and each coach brings a unique style, personality and experience to the partnership. The right match is essential to achieve your goals. See How to Hire A Coach for more information.
Once a Complimentary Session has determined the initiation of the coaching partnership, the relationship begins with a Discovery Session (2–3 hours in person if location permits) followed by scheduled 60-minute sessions two times per month.
The coaching partnership begins with an initial four-month commitment and then continues on a month-to-month basis.
When a client establishes a coaching partnership with ExecLife Coaching, following a Complimentary Session, a process has already begun that is exciting, challenging and rewarding. Clients receive a Welcome Package that includes articles about coaching, coaching definitions, an agreement statement and, most importantly, a Foundations Questionnaire, so that they can begin thinking about their goals, values, purpose, strengths, blind spots and obstacles.
Coaching Sessions
Coaching is typically done by phone from the convenience of the home or office. The client calls at the specified time with an agenda for the call. Coaching is about living with intent so the client sets the agenda.
Four-Month Commitment
Each coaching partnership begins with a four-month commitment simply because change happens over time. While much can be accomplished in a single session, time is needed to integrate new habits, fully implement plans and realize goals. Four months also allows the coaching relationship to progress though the ebbs and flows of life. For most clients, the first set of goals and objectives are just the beginning. Growth is a never-ending process.
1) Discovery Session
Each coaching partnership begins with a 2–3 hour Discovery Session. If both coach and client live in the same geographic area then this session is conducted in person. Otherwise, communication is via telephone which is very effective and just as powerful as face-to-face coaching sessions. Welcome Package forms are reviewed and clarified so that both coach and client are clear about where the client is in their life and where they want to be. Each area of the client’s life is explored: career, education, health, family, friends, spirituality, recreation, finances, values, vision, habits, what’s working and what’s not. Strategies and timelines are discussed and an initial agenda is set. Clients often leave the session with commitments and action steps.
2) Focus Session
Once the coaching partnership is established it is of value to have a Focus Session about every six months. This is an optional session similar to the Discovery Session where the coach and client redefine the agenda and the coaching alliance. It is a time to acknowledge the client’s intent, action and success—time to take stock and celebrate. It is also a time to identify where things have fallen short and redesign commitments. The intent of the Focus Session is to have an extended period of time to re-examine the client’s agenda for coaching, evaluate in the coaching partnership and navigate the next course of action.
3) Completion Session
When it is time to draw the partnership to a close it is important to conclude in such a way that both client and coach feel a sense of completion and that the client has a vision for the future. Similarly, as in the Focus Session, it is time to take stock and celebrate, evaluate and recreate! A Completion Session is either conducted during the final scheduled session or the client may request a longer session, similar to the Focus Session, to complete and create a detailed plan for the future.