Millions of dollars are spent every year on seminars, workshops and self-help programs that get people fired up, focused and committed—only to be pulled back into the frenzy of life days, if not hours, later. Statistics show that 67% of what we learn is forgotten in a day, 80% in a week and 97% in 2 weeks.
Laura Whitworth and Thomas Leonard created a system that supports people in every area of life. They recognized that people have the aspirations to change, grow and create what they want. It was out of a desire to create lasting change that the coaching profession was born.As a team, Thomas and Laura developed the philosophies, methodologies and skills that became the core of the industry. They have founded the two most respected coaching training schools in the world, The Coaches Training Institute and Coach University.
The coaching profession is relatively young in comparison to other industries. However, in the last decade it has grown tremendously, not only in the number of coaches and clients, but in terms of formalized industry standards and training. This ensures the highest caliber of coaching service is available to everyone.
To inquire about ICF accredited schools, visit International Coach Federation.